








苏宇,研究员,博士生导师,2014年中科院生态环境研究中心博士毕业后,在南京大学先后任助理研究员(2014.7-2017.7)、副研究员(2017.7-2022.2)。主要从事微塑料和纳米材料等新污染物的表征分析、环境行为与效应研究。利用O-PTIR光谱显微成像、C-14放射性同位素示踪等技术,探索微塑料的次生过程及机制、碳纳米材料的迁移转化规律、颗粒物与生物/有机化合物的互作及效应等。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金项目Nature NanotechnologyES&T等刊物发表论文20余;担任BECT期刊青年编委。

科研 教改项目







论文 专著

<>Su, Yu; Hu, Xi; Tang, Hongjie; Lu, Kun; Li, Huimin; Liu, Sijin; Xing, Baoshan*; Ji, Rong*. Steam disinfection releases micro(nano)plastics from silicone-rubber baby teats as examined by optical photothermal infrared microspectroscopy. Nature Nanotechnology, 2022, 17: 76-85.

<>Su, Yu; Tong, Xin; Huang, Chi; Chen, Jiani; Liu, Sijin; Gao, Shixiang; Mao, Liang*; Xing, Baoshan. Green algae as carriers enhance the bioavailability of 14C-labeled few-layer graphene to freshwater snailsEnvironmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52: 1591-1601. 

<>Su, Yu; Gao, Bin; Mao, Liang*. Concurrent agglomeration and straining govern the transport of 14C-labeled few-layer graphene in saturated porous media. Water Research, 2017, 115: 84-93. 

<>Su, Yu; Yan, Xiaomin; Pu, Yubing; Yang, Xiaofang; Wang, Dongsheng*; Yang, Min. Risks of single-walled carbon nanotubes acting as contaminants-carriers: Potential release of phenanthrene in Japanese medaka (Oryzias Latipes). Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47: 4704-4710.

<>Su, Yu; Huang, Chi; Lu, Fenxiao; Tong, Xin; Niu, Junfeng; Mao, Liang*Alginate affects agglomeration state and uptake of 14C-labeledfew-layer graphene by freshwater snails: Implications for theenvironmental fate of graphene in aquatic systemsEnvironmental Pollution2018, 234: 513-522. 

<>Su, Yu; Yang, Guoqing; Lu, Kun; Petersen, Elijah J.; Mao, Liang*. Colloidal properties and stability of aqueous suspensions of few-layer graphene: Importance of graphene concentration. Environmental Pollution2017, 220, Part A: 469-477.

<>Su, Yu; Wang, Bin; Tong, Xin; Peng, Shuchuan; Liu, Sijin; Xing, Baoshan; Ji, Rong*. Steam disinfection enhances bioaccessibility of metallic nanoparticles in nano-enabled silicone-rubber baby bottle teats, pacifiers, and teethers. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jes.2022.08.001

<>苏宇,王大力,汪磊,李慧敏,刘春光,孙红文,贾汉忠,季荣*,曾永平环境中微纳塑料的检测、老化及效应研究进展环境化学前沿(第三辑)第24北京:科学出版社,2022ISBN: 978-7-03-070928-8.

<>刘锐涵王艳华*赵建苏宇周倩郭学涛高婵娟董治宝. 土壤微塑料污染与生态健康风险. 环境化学2022. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2022040804

<>Luo, Zhuanxi*; Zhou, Xinyi; Su, Yu; Wang, Haiming; Yu, Ruilian; Zhou, Shufeng; Xu, Genbo Elvis; Xing, Baoshan*. Environmental occurrence, fate, impact, and potential solution of tire microplastics: Similarities and differences with tire wear particles. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 795: 148902. 

<>Lu, Fenxiao; Su, Yu*; Ji, Yitong; Ji, Rong; Release of zinc and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from tire crumb rubber and toxicity of leachate to Daphnia magna: Effects of tire source and photoaging. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2021, 107: 651-656.

<>Wang, Bin; Su, Yu*; Tian, Liyan; Peng, Shuchuan*; Ji, Rong; Heavy metals in face paints: Assessment of the health risks to Chinese opera actors. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 724: 138163. 

<>Wang, Xingwang#; Chen, Jianqiu#; Ji, Rong; Liu, Yanhua; Su, Yu*; Guo, Ruixin*. Degradation of bisphenol S by a bacterial consortium enriched from river sediments. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2019, 103: 630-635.

荣誉 奖励

<> 第三届环境新污染物检测技术网络研讨会,2022/11/16,网络直播(特邀报告)

<> 中国土壤学会环境微塑料工作组2021年会,2021/11/27,泉州(特邀报告)

<> 中国化学会第32届学术年会,2021/04/20,珠海(优秀墙报)






