陆 勇


通讯方式:luyong@seu.edu.cn 电话:15050581986


(1)多相流动测试及数值模拟; (2)太阳能热利用






  1. 研究生课程: 《现代流体测试方法和统计信号处理概论》(英文)、《高等流体力学》(全英文)。

  2. 本科生课程: 《工程流体力学》、《环境保护与可持续发展》。

科研 教改项目
  1. 江苏巨鼎新能源科技有限公司(企业项目):谷能固体蓄热供暖装置的热性能评价与优化,2015-01-01~2016-12-31,主技

  2.  国家自然科学基金委(面向项目):煤粉/生物质颗粒混合燃料气力输送特性的基础研究,2014-01-01~2017-12-31, 主持。

  3. 教育部留学回国人员基金:煤粉与生物质混合燃料气力输送的特性研究, 2011-12-01~2012-12-31,负责。

  4. 科技部国家科技支撑计划:皖江示范区村镇小康住宅优化设计、绿色节能和宜居社区废弃物处理处置与资源化利用关键技术集成研究与示范, 2013-01-01~2016-12-31,参与。

  5. 国家自然科学基金委(面向项目):生物油低温加氢-催化裂解制取烯烃和芳香烃的研究, 2011-01-01~2013-12-31,参与。

  6. 云南电科院科技开发:分布式多源互补新能源发电系统及其在农村电网中智能配置方法的关键技术集成研究-(生物质-太阳能发电系统一体化集成方案), 2013-01-01~2013-12-31,参与。

论文 专著

[1] Yong Lu, Zhenbo Tong, Donald H. Glass, William J. Easson, Mao Ye. Experimental and numerical study of particle velocity distribution in the vertical pipe after a 90° elbow. Powder Technology. 314(2017):500–509 (SCI, EI)

[2] Yong Lu, Ye Tian, Haowei Lu, Lei Wu, Xianlin Li. Study of Solar Heated Biogas Fermentation System with a Phase Change Thermal Storage Device[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 88, 5 September 2015, Pages 418-424 (SCI, EI)

[3] QIAN Long, LU Yong, etc.. Developing a high speed fiber-optic endoscopic technique for Measuring particle phase characteristics in a spouted bed. The 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT7). Beijing, May 19-22. 2014. (EI)

[4] QIAN Long, LU Yong, etc.. Developing a Novel Fiber High Speed Photography Method for Investigating Particle Phase Concentration in a 3D Spouted Bed. The Canadian journal of chemical engineering. 91(2013): 1793-1800. (SCI, EI)

[5] ZHANG Jibing, LU Yong, etc.. Measurement method of particle phase motion parameter based on fibre high speed photography. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 42(2012):910-914. (EI)

[6] QIAN Long, LU Yong, ZHONG Wenqi,CHEN Xi, REN Bing, JIN Baosheng. Investigating particle phase velocity in a 3D spouted bed. ISTP:7th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion (ISMF2012), Xian, 2012 (EI)

[7] Lu Y., Glass H. D., Easson J. W., (2009). An investigation of particle behaviour in gas-solid horizontal pipe flow by an extended LDA Technique. Fuel 88, pp. 2520-2531. (SCI, EI)

[8] Lu Y., Glass H. D., Easson J. W., (2009). Visualization and measurement of cross-sectional characteristics of solid phase in horizontal dilute pneumatic conveying system. 2nd UK-China Particle Technology Forum 2009, September 1st-3rd, Guiyang, China

[9] Lu Y., Glass D. H., Easson W. J., (2008a). Particles characteristic in gas-solid horizontal pipe flow studied by an extended Laser Doppler Anemometry Technique. In: Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Coal Research and its Applications, September 2nd – 5th, Cardiff, UK.

[10] Lu Y., Glass D. H., Easson W. J., Crapper M., (2008b). Investigation of the Flow Patterns of Gas-solid granular flow in a horizontal pipe by FLUENT & EDEM. In: Proceedings of Particle Systems Analysis 2008, September 1st – 3rd, Stratford, UK.

[11] Lu Y., Glass D. H., Easson W. J., (2007). Investigating Flow Properties of Coal Biomass Blends in Pneumatic Conveying System by Computational Fluid Dynamics. In: Proceedings of 2007 international conference on Coal Science and Technology, August 28th- 31th, Nottingham, UK.

[12] Lu Yong, Lu Ping, Zhang Mingyao. Atomization parameters of coal water paste measured by PIV technique. Journal of Southeast University (English Edition). 2005,21(2): p180-183 (EI)


[1]稠密两相流颗粒速度和浓空间分布的测量装置 发明专利授权号: ZL201110443119.2

[2]一种轻质异形颗粒曳力系数的测量装置及测量方法 发明专利授权号: ZL201210429189.7

[3]一种用于跨季节蓄热技术的太阳能保温结构 发明专利授权号:ZL201410607124.6

[4]一种太阳能光伏蓄热热式恒温生物反应器 发明专利授权号: ZL201510073879.7

[5]一种链式太阳能高温集热管 实用新型专利授权号: ZL201210055449.9




荣誉 奖励
  1. 张继彬,《基于光纤式高速摄影技术测量稠密颗粒相特性参数的方法研究》,硕士研究生,2009.3—2011.5。

  2. 宋振华,《生物质颗粒气力输送特性参数的测量方法研究》,硕士研究生,2010.9—2012.6。

  3. 钱龙,《喷动床内气固两相流动参数的测量与统计分析》,硕士研究生,2011.9—2014.6。

  4. 田野,《相变蓄热式太阳能秸秆发酵系统供热装置的热性能研究》,硕士研究生,2012.9—2015.6。

  5. 鹿浩伟,《太阳能秸秆沼气系统的热性能分析及实验研究》,硕士研究生,2013.9。

  6. 张勉照,《水平管内生物质颗粒/煤粉混合颗粒流动特性的实验研究》,2014.9-2016.11

  7. 段文军,《固体-熔盐蓄热谷能利用装置热性能实验及模拟研究》,2014.9-2017.6

  8. 俞凯骏,提前攻博,2014.9。

  9. 邱嘉明,《燃煤电厂超低排放固体颗粒物浓度的测量和实验研究》,2015.9-

  10. 王思雨,《低温相变蓄热式谷电利用装置的实验研究》,2015.9-

  11. 陈璐,《待定》,2016.9-

  12. 徐畅,《待定》,2016.9-